Highflyers Tips

Jon Carter

Jon Carter photo

During a career in Telecommunications, Jon became involved in the Premium Rate Telephone Industry at its inception during 1986 when British Telecom first started to introduce the concept on a trial basis. Early in 1987 he established and became Managing Director of one of the first Premium Rate Service Bureaux which quickly became a market leader with a turnover well in excess of £5,000,000. He was involved in providing telecommunications services to BTRB plc and the Highflyers Racing Club.

Jon later specialised in advice and assistance in countries where premium rate telephone services were being introduced. He undertook assignments in Ireland, Australia, South Africa, United States, Spain, Malaysia, Indonesia, Germany and France.

He was invited to become a member of ICSTIS (the Independent Committee for the supervision of Standards of Telephone Information Services , now Phone Pay Plus) by its chairman Sir Louis Blom-Cooper early in 1991. Jon served on various sub-committees, including chairing the review of competition services and the code of practice review sub-committee. His term of office at ICSTIS came to an end in January 1996 as he was unable to give the time needed to the organisation due to overseas commitments. Since 1997 he has remained active in the telecommunications industry as well as working on the Highflyers service.

Email:  info@highflyers.tips





Profitable day!!